Happy Sunday!

Hope you're having a blessed weekend. With all the crazy weather through out the country, I wanted to take time out to make sure all is well with you, your family and friends. I trust you haven't lost power like so many families have and if so, I pray that power within your state, city and community has been restored. 

Although I have an e-commerce store, I'm still human and care about all of my customers, their families and friends and want nothing but the best for every one them. It's not always about making money or getting sales, it's about being human, compassionate and understanding of the things that surround us daily.

Time is going by so fast and friends and family members are leaving here daily, let's not take life for granted but enjoy the free fruits of life that God has given. Stop and smell the flowers along the way, listen to the birds chirp, sit by the water and listen to the waves splashing up against the rocks. Close your eyes and imagine being in a world that is peaceful. It's yours for the taking and it's free!

Wishing you a Happy Sunday

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